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My Experience

Updated: Aug 9, 2018

First off, Hello and Welcome!!!

My name is Breana and I would like to tell you all about my journey and how I got to this point in my life.

And no don't worry, I'm not going to tell you all in one setting lol.

I'll start with when it all started.

When they say that all children are innocent and they can see beyond what adults can and have "gifts" that we don't, it's the absolute TRUTH! It's when I recognized that I was "gifted". I came from a semi-spiritual upbringing, my family "believed" in a higher power and even till the age of 8 we went to church with my Gran, but of course life happens and we put it on the back burner so to speak. They also believed in "spirits" because we had lived in a house with a little boy presence that made it impossible to believe otherwise.He was my friend and his name is Max. An Invisible friend so to speak. I know now that he was actually just a spirit that was guiding and looking over us. I seen him and heard others like him in our home till around the age of 16. I never told a soul unless it was close friends and family because lets be real, you tell a stranger or new friend you can see and hear spirits, they're going to run for the hills. Now at the age of 27 going on 28 there has been numerous amounts of test and lesson, a husband and two beautiful children added in the mix, but that will come in a few days, tomorrow is the the first day back to school!! Until next time my lovely readers.

With love and light,


I know this has already been posted but I have been told by my "guys" that I had left out a huge part when I was younger about my first "real" dream I had ever had. When I was 7 my Dads Step Mother, a Grandmother I had never known to be labeled "step" and had loved so dearly had passed away from cancer. I was so upset, after all it was my first death. I had witnessed everyone so upset and hurt but still I didn't understand, because I had a dream that she was at peace and so happy, glowing you could say.

She came to me with the most beautiful light around her, she had told me that she needed me to tell my Grandfather and my family that she had came to me. I'm 7 really?!? Me??? So instead of telling them, i drew a picture of how she came to me, and I wrote a letter to them. I can still remember giving the letter to my Grandfather. He cried, but it wasn't a sad cry, it was different, it was tears of happiness. To this day, he still has the letter 7 year old me had wrote to him with the picture on his refrigerator. This is just one of the many "real" dream encounters I've had. More to come!!


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Breana R
Breana R
09 aug. 2018

Thank you ALL for your love and support I really appreciate it!


08 aug. 2018

Oh my gosh I feel the same girl!! I have ALWAYS felt spirits since as long as I can remember. I don’t know if we ever told you, but I felt them so strong in our apartment! In Scarlett’s room. It would stay in her room. Mainly in the closet, and I would feel it watch me go up the stairs. Insane. I haven’t told very many people either but I know it’s real.


08 aug. 2018

What an amazing gift! I can't wait to read about and follow your journey! ♥️


08 aug. 2018

You are truly gifted and I can not wait to see where it takes you! Love you! Can’t wait to see more blogs in the future 💛


08 aug. 2018

Amazing wisdom and insight, our ancestors are so pleased with you our chosen one, to break the ties that have bound us to old non productive ways. So much love and light radiates from you and you will indeed lead many out of the darkness into their light. I am honored to be called your Aunt.👼🙏♥️

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