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Chakra Healing

Here are the basics of our chakras. Our energy points in our body. Why they’re important, if they’re okay, what your carrying in them, and ways you can help them yourself before reaching out.

•Root Chakra•

The color of this chakra is red, and is at the base of your spine. It represents our primary needs as a human being. It reflects our basic requirements to feel safe and to survive and thrive abundantly. It also relates to family, grounding, rejuvenation, material needs, ancestral healing, and sometimes even karma, as well as trust.

If the chakra is blocked or unaligned you may feel out of flow and feel as though you are unable to receive the support of living a safe and stable life and full of abundance. I found that this chakra point also holds a lot of ancestral karmic energy in it as well, and the ability to release karmic ties that weren’t yours I begin with. This is also where your kundalini awakening process starts.

This holds a lot from the time you born till around the age of 8 years old, as this is when we need help from others to make us feel safe and secure. You may have bullied in the past or had not so nice words said to you growing up, they’ll stay in that energy field. When I say ancestral this could be blocked bc there was lack of food or money as well in the home, so now you carry that fear of being without.

Ways to tell if your root chakra is blocked is, you may experience back pain, have a lot of fear, anxiety disorders and yes even bad dreams. You may also have issues with your feet and legs, as the ground and hold you up. You may notice that you were ability to trust is hard, you worry about shelter or if you do magic, your manifestations aren’t coming into fruition.

Ways to help it are to Eat red foods such as beets (gross I know) berries (if you’re not allergic) Red apples anything that comes from the ground, sweet potatoes and lean meats. Walks in nature. Mediation and visualizing red and that you have roots connecting down into Mother Nature is always what always seems to help me. Oh and gardening! You can do yoga, dance, shower! I know simple right. Perhaps even getting a pedicure! Crystals that can help are, hematite, Smokey Quartz and tourmaline •Most importantly tho, is to understand that you are secure and taken care of, and release any fears you may have, AFTER you allow yourself to FEEL them• If you have tried all of above then you may need assistance and find a trusted Reiki practitioner near you. Give it time guys. As healing takes time.

•Sacral Chakra•

This chakra is Orange and is located around the lower part of your abdomen. It represents our connections and relationships to our loved ones, and the need to want to be loved and excepted. It is also aligned to our appetite, addictions and desires. Sometimes this is a place where some people hold karmic patterns as well. It is also about flexibility, creativity, self acceptance, gratitude, pleasure and passion, fulfilling our desires and is what I call the “sexy spot, and our creative outlet.”

If your sacral chakra is blocked or out of alignment you may feel as though you have a lack of passion and drive, low sex drive, urinary tract infections, abnormal menstrual cycles, hip and pelvic discomfort, kidney problems, sometimes even feel guilt or shame. You may also feel like you just can’t have fun, or even been called a “fun sucker”. Commitment issues, lack of trust even within yourself, not just other.

Ways to help it are to eat you guessed it! Orange foods! Peaches(my fave) carrots, pumpkin and nuts! Also make sure to stay hydrated as it’s associated with the water element. Meditation and visualization of the color orange while creating something that makes you feel good. Sex! Yes I know weird but it helps me to allow the connection with another. (This doesn’t mean you get to hoeing around tho guys, take percussion as you want to gain trust and intimacy). Crystals you can use are citrine, sunstone, amber and carnelian. •Most important is figure out the root cause of why you can’t seem to trust or build a connection, and release them AFTER you allow yourself to FEEL them• If you have tried all of above then you may need assistance and find a trusted Reiki practitioner near you. Give it time guys. As healing takes time.

•Solar Plexus Chakra•

The color of this chakra is yellow and is located slightly above your belly button. The chakra is our main power center. It represents our free will and where we draw the energy for our personal power, confidence, courage and strength. And allows you to express yourself freely and shine your light on the world. It also is about determination, empowerment, self-discipline, freedom and self esteem.

If this chakra is blocked or unaligned you may become judgmental to others and even your own body. Feel as tho you have no free will or have a say in anything or any situation. Let other influence you easily as you don’t believe in yourself, and feel as tho you always have to PROVE a point. You can start noticing OCD like tendencies, make selfish acts and put yourself first without worrying about the consequences, you may become depressed due to lack of self confidence and become a victim of abuse. Be more tired than normal, “sluggish”, become manipulative and have no boundaries. You may have/get tummy issues; intestinal problems, gas, ulcers problems

Ways to help are eat yellow foods! Bananas, pineapple, lemons, oats, beans and brown rice. You can also meditate and visualize the color yellow while calling on YOU. Yes saying your name as it hold your own unique vibration and allows you take your power back. •Most importantly diving deep to see where and when your “power was taken and why” l, then release it AFTER you allow yourself to FEEL it• Crystals that are great for solar plexus are, Calcite, yellow topaz, citrine and pyrite. If you have tried all of above then you may need assistance and find a trusted Reiki practitioner near you. Give it time guys. As healing takes time.

•Heart Chakra•

The color of this chakra is green and is located at the heart center. It signifies unconditional love of self and others and is where our soul finds its creative expression of love and gratitude. It’s also where we hold and nurture the inner child and learn to live in compassion and with acceptance. When our heart is open we can make decisions from a place of divine wisdom and feel safe to express love in a healthy way. It also is a place of joy, laughter and happiness. It’s also about play, compassion and the ability to give and receive.

If it is blocked or unaligned you may experience, resentment, anger, jealously, fear of betrayal. Not be able to fully process grief for yourself and others. You’ll become emotionally blocked off to love, even in the form of fully loving yourself. You won’t allow yourself to become vulnerable or to be open to new opportunities in fear of being rejected. You feel as tho you can’t express your feelings in a way that someone will understand. You lack compassion for other and yourself, you may be needy in your relationships even those close to you, not just a spouse. You may feel as tho you’ll always be alone and never deserve love. You have a hard time accepting love as well, the love you deserve. Anxiety, low self esteem and poor eating habits. You can have thyroid problems, cardiovascular issues, breast problems, circulatory issues such as asthma. I can go on for days as this is a chakra I am constantly working on as I carry my guilt here.

Ways to help it, eat greens! Avocados (yum) spinach, matcha, think green and it’s gonna help do the job. Crystals to help are, malachite(my fav) rose quartz, rhodonite (also my new fav) jade and aventurine. Meditate and visualize the color green, see yourself giving and receiving love. Do some inner child work to tell the little version of you, you love them and it’s okay. •Most importantly, figure out where the root problem is so you release it AFTER you allow yourself to FEEL it•If you have tried all of above then you may need assistance and find a trusted Reiki practitioner near you. Give it time guys. As healing takes time.

•Throat Chakra•

This chakra is the color blue and is located at the center of your throat. It holds the key to speaking your higher truth clearly with ease and grace. It reflects our needs to communicate with others and be received and understood as we express ourselves to the world. When it is in balance we are able to express their truth clearly, listen to others effectively and maintain our own truth, and we learn to express our soul purpose and find our powerful voice.

If it is blocked or unaligned you’ll have a hard time speaking your truth, thyroid issues, sore throat, TMJ, headaches, neck problems, hard time expressing your opinion on situations. You’ll be nervous to talk in front of people, “stage fright”. You’ll become over apologetic for things, you can become unaware of how much food your in taking. Speak to freely or openly, become aggressive with your words to the point people misunderstand you. Sound like the dog off “Up” *squirrel.* you may be timid and struggle to be honest with yourself and others.

Ways to help, blue berries, black berries, honey, tea and elderberry. Crystals that can help as well are; lapis lazuli, aquamarine, sodalite and turquoise. Meditation and visualize the color blue, and see yourself expressing who you are with no guilt or shame. Listen to music with 192 hz. •Most importantly ask yourself why and how it started to become blocked or unaligned so you release it AFTER you allow yourself to FEEL it•If you have tried all of above then you may need assistance and find a trusted Reiki practitioner/Health Care Provider near you. Give it time guys. As healing takes time.

•Third Eye Chakra•

This chakra is the color Indigo, and is located between your eyes in between your forehead and your brow bone. It gives us the ability to see clearly, both physically and intuitively. It opens up our psychic abilities enables us to see the truth in all situations. It is also where our intuition, imagination, visualization and insight comes from. When it is balanced I deepens our awareness and expands our dreams and can bring us messages that unveil hidden truths. It’s also where we can go into a deep meditation, Develop psychic awareness and have a good memory.

If it is blocked or unaligned usually the lower half are out of alignment as well, causing you not to trust your own inner voice. It’s like adding all of the imbalances from the lower chakras, including being judgmental, lack of trust, gut instincts, not grounded. You may even get dizzy, lightheaded, not be able to process your tasks at hand. In some cases you may even age prematurely! You become paranoid, feel as tho someone is always watching you. Always have nightmares or “night terrors”. Become upset very easily and lash out at people. This is because again, we’re combining all the lower chakras being out f ligament as well. More than not if they are severely out of alignment.

Ways to help are chocolate!! I know right but in a healthy amount, dont go crazy. Brain foods as well, eggplant, purple cabbage, purple onion. Think purple blue and it can help. Mediation, now I know I’ve said this in every chakra to help, but it’s even more highly recommend for this chakra. You can seek answers and call in your guides, angels, the divine, all while visualizing the color I go and ask for clarity. It’s important to make sure you set aside all negative thoughts as well. Crystals to help are, fluorite, labradorite, and amethyst to name a few. •Most importantly look within and see what the root cause is so you release it AFTER you allow yourself to FEEL it•If you have tried all of above then you may need assistance and find a trusted Reiki practitioner/Health Care Provider near you. Give it time guys. As healing takes time.

•Crown Chakra•

The color of the chakra is violent, and sometimes people even refer it to being a white or gold color. It is located at the top of our heads, you know that soft spot as baby, there. Our crown helps us to align our spiritual virtues and is where we are able to tap into our “I am..” mantra. It is the connection to the higher realms, worlds and dimensions. It is where our soul and divine energy becomes defined into individuality and reflect our souls purpose, bringing us knowledge, wisdom, understanding and spiritual connection.The crown chakra also deals with spiritual awakening, peace, clarity and lightness of being. It also enhances our ability to learn, and to be one.

If it is blocked or unaligned you may become disconnected from earthy things, meaning you are to far in the spiritual realm. Have insomnia. Suppress your emotions not limited to motivation, concerns, excitement etc. Feel as tho you don’t have a purpose, or lack of direction on where to go next. You can get migraines and headache often( I used to be this person and it sucked). You let ego override what you know you should be doing, yet you let take fear take over.

Ways to help are actually doing a detox, as this will allow all of the toxin in your body to be removed. Just as with the third eye, meditation is a huge part as well to gain clarity. Crystals to help are, charoite (my fav) amethyst, labradorite (also fav) selentine, and clear quartz. •Most importantly try to dig within to find the root cause so you release it AFTER you allow yourself to FEEL it•If you have tried all of above then you may need assistance and find a trusted Reiki practitioner/Health Care Provider near you. Give it time guys. As healing takes time.

I hope this is able to help you and brings awareness to your own body, so you heal within.

With Love,



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