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Hello Mercury Rx

Today I feel called to go over mercury retrograde and how it may effect you.

Some are luckier than others and the retrograde will not effect them or they won't even notice. The reason this could be is because those who are not effected have already put in the work or do not have a lesson to learn this time around. Mercury goes retrograde approximately 3-4 times a year. Chances are it will effect you at one point. I wanted to explain a little more on what might get effected so you can see the signs and start to ask yourself why its happening, and how you can learn from this planet. I know a lot of people dislike Mercury, but to be honest I've grown to love it. It such an amazing planet to reflect on and grow.

Mercury is in charge of communication, logic and reasoning.

Such as,

*Talking verbally to others. Example-Friends, Family, Loved ones, Co-workers, Strangers

*Commuting so your vehicles may get involved. Train or Flight delays are highly effected during this time.





Mercury rules and governs over,

*Solar Plexus Chakra (Gut instincts)

*Respiratory system

*Nervous system

*Gemini & Virgo

*Your 3rd & 6th house (Communication and travel, Work and Health)





Mercury craves progress, movement, newness so when it goes retrograde it's asking you to slow your process down so that you can re-connect with yourself so that you don't make the same choices over and over. It wants you to get out of your comfort zone so that you can grow. Reflect, Relearn, Release, so that you can make great progress and movement. Why would you want to be stuck doing the same thing over and over again with no change? On a higher note mercury wants you to really understand that there is a deeper connection between the physical realm and the divine realm. To show you that some situations can be out of your control, and you need to understand that, you can only control yourself and how you react to the situations at hand.

Things I suggest taking care of before mercury retrograde to help ease any damage that may occur. Of course some things are out of our control, but you can take precautionary measures

1.Service your vehicles

2.Sign any and all important documents that may be coming up, and make sure that everything is in order to your liking, so the process doesn't get prolonged.

3.If you've been stuffing feelings inside or an issue with someone, speak to them about it prior so it does not fester up inside of you and get word vomited out and comes out completely misunderstood.

4.Journal- this is huge for me!! When you journal and write out all out feelings and what you want to accomplish and mercury starts to effect you, you have to chance to look back and see what it may be and why. What was something that you didn't take care of when you should have? What was a feeling that you felt that you just stuffed down inside instead of voicing yourself?

For me mercury is about rediscovering yourself and your path. Having the opportunity to be able to break cycles that you have, learn from them, thanking those lessons, giving gratitude to the lessons for making you the strong person you are today. Being able to have a fresh clean slate of your choosing when you put the work into yourself. I know some think it's a selfish act that I say for yourself, but to be completely and utterly honest with you, it's not. If you cant love and learn from your own mistakes, you will just carry them on to the next relationship, next work place, future generations such as your children if you chose to have any, and nothing will change. When you love and take care of yourself you have the capability to love others at the same level and get the same love and respect back just as equally. Trust me when I say it's not easy or for the fainted of hearts, but will it be worth it? Absolutely! If you are interested on how mercury retrograde will effect you personally, I do now offer a Mercury Retrograde spread that will be able to let you know and how you can control the damage if there is any and take action before hand, and have deeper insight for yourself for whats to come. I hope this helps any in need and resonates with you if it is effecting you. I hope you all have a happy retrograde season and grow like a wildflower, and remember to stay grounded and centered and most importantly to have patience with the process.

Until next time my lovely readers,

With Love and Light,




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