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Am I the Reader for you?

Updated: Dec 18, 2023

I had written this once before, but it was a long time ago, and lost in the abyss of other posts. I do share tons of info in my blogs, my back story, how long I’ve been doing this, all that jazz, so you can read them on your time. This is just what to expect, what it will look like, and what my true nack is. I made a video but a singing child of mine was in the background and everyone kept opening the door, it wasn’t nice. So I’m writing it ha.

My readings are based on YOU. I don’t push anyone to get a reading, especially an open reading, past life or inner child as it entails tons of info that you have to be willing to work through, I am here to relay the messages from your guides, angels, loved ones ect on what it is you need right now in order to heal. I AM NOT a twin flame reader, there is plenty out there who are. I believe in order to attract someone in, you must work on yourself, and find out what makes you truly happy on your own, before welcoming in someone else in the mix. I DO NOT tell the future. No one can honestly, we can give you a time frame, this is because spirit will make us aware of a life changing events around a specific time or month. We have free will, people who come in and out of our lives, we grow and learn and it changes the course of things, therefore things are NEVER SET IN STONE. Sorry I felt the need to say that first before what I say what I am great at, plus that will help you in knowing if I’m your woman or not to be reading you.

Besides self healing; ancestral, generational bonds and karmic bonds are my heart and soul of who I am. The reason being is because we carry our ancestors blood within us from years back, and sometimes we tend to carry some of those ties and bonds. Its when we break them that we can start our own karmic line, and are able to heal 7 generations back and forward 7 as well. It’s truly amazing, and life changing on its own.

I do offer a variety of readings, but the ones I do the most are Open Readings. I go over your chakras (there’s a blog about this if you don’t know what I’m talking about.) your health, career, and any message that I may I get from your guides that you need to know about. I mainly do phone readings but will have email readings every so often.

•Phone Readings•

What to expect: I will call you at scheduled time so be ready, have a pen and paper out, have your questions ready, if I answer one, mark it off. If I didn’t leave it till the end of the reading. I do ask in all readings that you don’t provide any personal information. You will hear me scribbling, thats just my way of hearing messages clearer, its also where if you forget what was just said the next day, then I can easily tap back in. I forget within a week mainly because I remove your energy from me within in that time, and it wasn’t truly me telling you the message anyways. This wasn’t something I had always done, but I got overwhelemd and had to establish boundries. They are slotted for 45 mins. If we go over the slotted time, there will be an additional fee. It’s truly plenty of time, but I know some like to process it all with me, and I love that! At the end of the reading I do pull 3 guidance cards for an uplifting message. Generational Healing + Deep Healing. Now this will be the same in reagaurds to how I reach you just like phone readings. These are both slotted different tho.

-Generational healing we work together. I still connect to spirit, I ask them what is something you are carrying over (tbh its usually money blocks that stem from lack or fear, addiction, relationships with others) we work together by diving deep into it and do energy healing to remove it and give it back with love. With that being said these sessions are typically an hour hour an half. So make sure you have the time before scheduling this session. -Deep Healing is us working together for one solid month. Once a week we meet up on YOUR time. I'm very flexible with hours so if Sunday is your only day off we will do Sunday session. This varies on what it is you would like to work on or learn. So if you want to enhance your gifts, you got it. If you're stuggling with confidence or trauma from a loss, let's get through it together, youre not alone! These sessions are 30 mins long once a week, and you do have homework. If you have any questions on this feel free to reach out. I also have a saved stories spot on page going over these.

•Is there such thing as to many readings?•

Depends to be honest. It can become addicting and therapeutic. I do decline people. I am not after your money, I do plenty of free readings and offer my time for free, I even pull guidance cards on my Instagram at least once a week.

If you are growing, and reflecting and learning your lessons, I am here for you. If you are booking or asking me the same questions because nothing has changed or you don’t feel better. Chances are you didn’t listen to the message that was given, or you haven’t made the change within. I will not waist my energy, nor yours with a repeat cycle. Trust me I know if you’ve made the change or when you’ve just let ego take over. It’s also why I’ve created Moon Magic, they are check ins with you twice a month, some guidance, what to release, what to manifest, and reiki healing. So you can still have growth and we can continue your healing journey (as everyone’s is different), for a ow cost. Plus you have full access to me for basically a week 3 days of the full and new moon!

•Do I use Cards?•

Easy way to answer this Yes and No.

Open readings I pull at the end as conformation, but I channel first before doing so. Now for specials, if I’m flooded with them, I do use them if I don’t ground myself properly and want to get them out ASAP. But I have gotten better on being proactive. Mainly I just scribble and channel tho. Statistically for you Earth signs out there, I channel 97% of the time with 3% chance of something using tarot as a tool.

I hope this helps, I don’t sugar coat, my goal is to help you guys grow, to have you look back in years time and say “Damn, look how far I’ve come.” To make you feel yourself, call back your power, break karmic bonds/tied and be able to set your own for the better. Once you see that and feel that energy shift within yourself, I promise you, your world will look and feel so much better. This is because you will be attracting better things into your life as your own vibration is higher, and you won’t be able to stay with something that isn’t serving your higher good.

Much Love to you all,



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