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Lesson Two

At the age of 23 I had moved out of my parents house. Not by choice, but it was clearly the best thing for my family and it's part of life. I could of honestly lived there the rest of my life and been a happy camper because that's how close we are. I had gotten married, made some new friends and swore off any idea of having another child. Not because my son was a bad child, he was far from it, but because I was afraid that if I had another child they would be different and it was a change, plus he was already three and half. My son was gifted, I am gifted, and our apartment was FULL, literally FULL of spirits. Crazy lady upstairs who loved opening the closet and bathroom door, and the "Scary Man" that would hang out in my sons closet, plus past on family members. It was A LOT, so why would I? I already couldn't control my gift and help my son with his gift in the process, so why would I want to bring another child who would possibly also have the gift, into this crazy world.

Eventually my son had went through a blockage of his own from outside influences, which is fine.Things changed for him quite a bit. I quit my job after 8 years, tried something new, didn't go the way I planned it too, but clearly went as planned the way Universe wanted.I was more present for my son and I became pregnant yet again. My Grandmother on my Moms side was one of my best friends. She had always told me that I needed to have another baby and I was selfish and needed to have a baby girl. She had this Chinese Gender Chart thing she swore by, and of course that she was NEVER wrong. My Mom and Grandma were in fact right, I was being selfish for not wanting to bring another gift into this world. I had came to terms with it and was so excited to tell them that it was in fact a baby girl!! I wanted a boy so bad, but I knew my Mom and Grandma were never wrong. It kind of runs on that side of the family,and yet I was still so thankful. I was the only girl born on my Moms side of the family, and my little brother was the only boy born on my Dads side of the family. So me having a girl was an excitement to say the least. Of course my family was there supporting us like always, it's how we role with things, but my Grandma was a huge part of this pregnancy verses the pregnancy with my son. I had trouble to say the least with my pregnancies, and my Grandma was on the phone with me everyday that she could be. Her and my Aunt came down to visit for the birth, but my lovely daughter wanted to come on her own terms. Now let me just let you in on something special, my Grandma had my Mom only two days after her own and called my Mom her Birthday present. I went into labor on my 25th Birthday, mind you I had one of those "gut feelings" that it would happen that way, and plus my Grandma said it would happen that way,

and she is always right after all. My daughter came 42 mins after my birthday. Of course she had to have her own birthday and didn't want to share, but I was okay with it because I was just given one of God's greatest gifts yet again.

Fast forward two months and many Face Time calls later, my Grandma and Grandpa came to visit and met my daughter for the first time. The day after Halloween "my guys" and intuition had told me that something was terribly wrong with my Grandma. Now trying to get the "real truth" from my Grandma was worse than pulling teeth, you could I guess call it "word vomited" to her and said" What The Hell Is Going On With You Grandma?!? I know it, I can feel it, and now I can see it." Of course she brushed it off and shushed me and told me not to tell anyone, (even though I did) it's not like should could hide her bruise she had gotten for very much longer. My Grandma was so strong and so, how do I put this...stubborn, but its why we all loved her. I'm sure your wondering why I didn't ask my cards, or ask "my guys" what was going on, but I did, and I only got one answer,"There is more to come". Little did I know that was the realest message I had ever gotten from them in my life. It was also something I didn't share with anyone, I didn't feel as though it was my place to. I know some of you will be upset because I'm not going to finish Lesson 2 in one setting like I was planning to but "my guys" have really been pushing me to be more vulnerable, and make people be aware of these gifted people like myself, and that we're all not frauds so to speak. But if I'm going to be completely honest with you all, revisiting these moments and sharing my journey has actually been really hard and emotional, let alone this lesson in particular to share in one setting. So I will have to continue another day. Until next time my lovely readers.

With love and light,



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