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Lesson Two; Part Two

Being vulnerable with my gift has not been the easiest thing for me, like EVER. You can ask anyone that knows me that for the most part, I'm literally an open book and probably share more than I should. Let's just say that it is some what of a challenge having this gift. I never know when to share what spirit wants to say to someone and when I shouldn't. Time is an illusion to them, and they see an open "vessel" so to speak and just want to get their message across. I know this now through what I've learned and this is why My Guys want me to be more vulnerable from this point on.

When My Guys told me "there is more to come" this is what they had meant. It was their way of telling me that I wasn't listening and accepting my gift as much as I should have, holding back on when to let their messages out, and they threw "The Tower" at me. The Tower is a card in tarot that lets you know your on the wrong path and that big, and when I say big, I mean HUGE changes are coming, and the Universe is taking over. Let's recap, just had a baby, my guys told me something was wrong with my Grandma, and now I have to have a surgery to remove my gallbladder the day before Thanksgiving. I thought to myself, "thank you guides, you couldn't of given me fare warning on this crap?!?" Nope, because on Thanksgiving day my Aunt called and said that my Grandma was in the hospital as well and was dying from a rapid cancer. When they meant things were coming they weren't kidding. My Grandma knew of my gift, but like my husband it was easier to just not speak of it with her. So instead of trying to figure out ways to help her, or read cards, I let spirit have the reigns, and surrendered. I still called everyday as though nothing changed, put on some hussy red lipstick because it was her favorite and let her fight off her pain with laughter for three weeks straight until she took her last breath.

Now what I had left out was that when my Gran passed I knew, my Dad knew and I called her to say my goodbyes and was blocked from doing so. We got the call hours later saying she had passed and it was the day before my Dads birthday. I was hurt that I didn't get to say goodbyes or sorry for some things I had said in the past, I was also hurting for my Dad. With my Grandma I also knew, I could feel it and that it was coming soon. The night of my Grans passing 3 years later I had called my Grandma and again, was blocked from talking to her. On my Dads birthday he got the call from my Mom that my Grandma had in fact passed. Not only was it a hard month to begin with, with future passing's but now my Moms Mom, my best friend, my Grandma was gone. I waited for her, I waited to hear from her from the other side, dream something, and I got nothing. I wanted closure, but I wasn't done with my lesson. A month later our family dog passed away. A couple of friends of ours had went up a hill and helped to lay him to rest. I started hearing more spirits, seeing more vivid things about family I didn't want to see and I was just done. I gave up hope blocked everyone out of my life and told my husband I wanted to be locked up in a crazy bin, padded walls and all. He refused of course and I knew I needed to take care of my babies. That night after surrendering I had my first real encounter with my Grandma, and of course she said nothing, but it gave me hope again. I got back up from my ugly hole I went into, and continued on.

I had started seeing my daughter doing weird things, like clapping her feet and laughing just like she would do on the phone with my Grandma, pointing up and talking,giggling and I knew she was talking to my Grandma, and I thanked God that she had the gift passed down to her as well.

My daughter went through some crazy weird health issues that you wouldn't think a 8 month old could fight through. In the first year of her life she was diagnosed with a lot of different medical issues. She was a real life case of "mystery diagnosis", but she pulled through and I know that her guides and my family on the other side, as well as living family and prayer had her back. I asked God and my guys, " why her, she is little human being who has done nothing wrong. Why not me instead of her?" My answer, because she is helping you grow as well as your whole family. I left it at that and said to myself, " what will be, will be and everything happens for a reason". Our family decided that it was time to move into a bigger home,while moving my daughter started "shushing me" while having her finger over her mouth which is what my grandma had always done. She would play with my Grandma all the time and rub it in my face, not on purpose but because that's just how my Grandma was. We settled in our new home and it was way closer to my parents house, so win win for me and the kiddos!!

We were over at my parents house almost everyday and my Mom had put this wall decal up that says,"Their is a little piece in heaven in our home" and she has my all of my Grandmothers on it and my Aunt Terri. My daughter would look down the hall and start to laugh, or get scared but I knew it wasn't a big thing, she was just seeing all of our family in one house, I understood why she was"scared", they were all really strong women I'd be scared too if I was only one and half. One day my Dad asked her who she was talking to and she had pointed to my Grandma. Another day we would catch her hiding behind the pony wall talking and she would show us who she was talking to that day. Mind you she had never met any of these women besides my Grandma when she was only two months old. My daughter turned three today and I'm so proud of her. She is my little Viking Warrior from my Dads side, strong opinionated sneaky little turd from my Moms side, and way more spiritually gifted than I her mother. She knows so much, far beyond her years. She will try to heal you with her Magic,she will call you out and tell you to talk to your angels, she loves crystals and she knows when something is wrong with her own body even before it physically appears. She is my light at the end of the dark gloomy, fire burning Tower, who is hear to help me break all family karmic ties. It's in our blood and it's literally written in our stars. This Lesson was long,rough,and comes to a close first to my next Lesson.. Until next time my lovely readers.

With Love and Light,



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